Frequently Asked Questions

What methods do you use?

Modern, force free methods that are driven by positive reinforcement and data and never rely on fear or pain. We build behavior by using things your dog loves like food and toys and set up your environment to work for you and your pup.

What does an initial behavior consultation include?

A 1-1.5 hour consultation (usually in person) where we go over your goals and set you up with an initial plan. This is then followed by 2 weeks of virtual support in the form of video review, emailed feedback and data tracking. 

What’s your service area?

For in-person services, the Portland metro area. My main service area is West Linn, Lake Oswego and Portland. I may extend this depending on availability. I have limited availability for virtual training.

Do you offer any discounts?

Discounts are available for recently adopted dogs and rescue organizations. I do my best to make dog training accessible to all so please get in touch even if my services may be beyond your budget.